PSA waives off security fee for next two international squash fixture
By Abdul Jabbar Faisal
ISLAMABAD:-Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Professional Squash Association (PSA) Alex Gough has waived off the security fee of Pakistan for next upcoming two international squash fixture, which would be held at Islamabad respectively in December 2019 and January 2020.
According to media department of Pakistan Squash Federation (PSF), this decision was meeting in the meeting of CEO, PSA Alex Gough and Senior Vice President (SVP) Aamir Masood, who visited Cap Town to attend the meeting of World Squash Federation (WSF).
The WSF Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM) of World Squash Federation (WSF) was held at Cape Town, South Africa on 05–06 Nov,19. WSF President Mr Jacques Fontaine presided over and delegates from 24 member nations of WSF attended the meeting. CEO PSA Alex Gough was also present during the meeting. Aamir Masood, Senior Vice President PSF represented Pakistan in the meeting. Matters related to development of the game throughout the world were discussed in the meeting detail.
Aamir Masood, in addition to WSF AGM, also had a meeting with Alex Gough, CEO Professional Squash Association (PSA) and discussed allocation of international tournaments to Pakistan for Men and Women with foreign players’ participation and without charging any security fee. SVP, PSF briefed CEO PSA about the improved security situation in Pakistan. After detailed deliberations, Alex Gough waived off security fee for the upcoming PSA tournaments in December, 2019 (Pakistan International Tournament for Men & Women at Islamabad) followed by Pakistan Open at Karachi in January, 2020.
He further emphasized CEO PSA for not charging any further security fee for Pakistani events to which Alex Gough assured that PSA Board would review the decision for future, as well. It is expected that this decision by PSA would help PSF in bringing more sponsors for hosting more international tournaments in Pakistan in future.
SVP also had a detailed meeting with WSF President Jacques regarding allocation of World Junior Championship 2022 to Pakistan and briefed him about Pakistan's peaceful state for the past many years. He also requested Jacques to promote Pakistan so that more international junior championships must be conducted here. Jacques assured his support and showed his appreciation for Pakistan's appetite for international squash.
SVP also had quite successful meetings with heads of Federations of various countries for mutual exchange of squash programs as a way forward to formulate an effective strategy for progression of squash in Pakistan. He congratulated Pakistan squash lovers for more good news in future.