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GOLF - National 21 Feb, 2022

Parkha Ijaz wins Ghazala Ansari Challenge Cup Golf Tournament
Parkha Ijaz wins Ghazala Ansari Challenge Cup Golf Tournament

Sports Bulletin Report

LAHORE:-Parkha Ijaz has won the 1st Ghazala Ansari Challenge Cup Ladies Amateur Golf Championship that concluded with a most graceful prize distribution ceremony here at Durbar Hall of the Governor House.

Parkha, handicap 1, with a gross score of 227 over 54 holes, emerged as the winner of the Gross in Category A (handicaps 0-12). Her sister, Rimsha Ijaz, who was also handicap 1, was the runner-up with a gross score of 231, while Iman Ali Shah got 3rd position with a score of 244.

In Category B (handicaps 13-24), Tehmina Ahmed won 1st gross, while Dr Rhubab Haider got 2nd and Tehmina Rashid 3rd gross. In the Net, Sherbano Hamdani won the 1st prize, while 2nd Net was awarded to Shabana Waheed and 3rd to Hareem Tahir.

In Category C (handicaps 25-36), the 1st gross was won by Fauzia Shahid, 2nd by Nighat Akram and 3rd by Monazza Azhar. With the Net-Score, Mina Zainab won 1st net, Tasleem Hussain 2nd and Shaheen Warraich 3rd. In the Seniors Match, 1st gross was won by Ayesha Hamid while 1st net by Farida Tausif.

“Their performance has certainly brought a breath of fresh air into our sporting environment and proved that Pakistani women are second to none.” The high points of the ceremony were video clips about Ghazala Ansari’s achievements and a personal message from Begum Samina Alvi, The First Lady, who expressed great admiration for the fact that this had been a totally ‘women’s show,’ right from its conception to its organisation, planning and execution.

She lauded that even the Chief Referee and the sole financial sponsor were women. Two other video messages were also played containing personal messages from Gen Hilal, President PGF and Yasmin Mubarik, who had been her closest competitor.

There could be no greater tribute to the golfing achievements of the legendary Ghazala Ansari. Credit for this must be given unequivocally to Dr Shami and her dedicated partners, Maimoona Azam, Bela Azam, Munazza Shaheen, Iffat Zahra, Aisha Moazzam, Shabana Waheed and Shahnaz Moeen who put their heart and soul into “making this event one of a kind."
