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CRICKET - Int News 30 Jul, 2021

MRCA termes six cricket association policy illegal
MRCA termes six cricket association policy illegal


LAHORE (July 30, 2021):- Movement for Restoration of Cricket and Associations (MRCA) termed a move of Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) unlawful, illegal practices of implementing and taking forward its so-called plan and strategy through unelected people by niminating six cricket associations.

MRCA Spokesperson Tariq Sarwar said in a statement that it was an unfortunate that all unelected officials of both the sides were engaged in meeting few days back to decide future course of action for the regional and grassroot cricket.

"We believe that wasting 3 crucial years and PCB's failure to organize cricket through elected representatives is an unfortunate act of the PCB" said the MRCA official, "This kind of incompetency and nonprofessional administration has been costing Pakistan dearly at international level.

MRCA Spokesperson said that entire process of club registration anew, appointment of coaches at regional and city level were made on political considerations would further harm Pakistan cricket at grassroot level.

Reiterating MRCA demand of restoring 2014 constitution, MRCA official said Grant Bradburn is a proven failure with National High Performance Centre has done nothing significant.

"Had NHPC done anything good, Pakistan team and its bench strength would have been enough to make it world beaters," said Tariq Sarwar.

He said the inter-city cricket being played after politically-polarized selection of teams, has shown the highly poor quality throughout the country in a rainy season.

MRCA also demanded of the Chairman PCB, CEO, COO, Director HPC and Domestice Cricket, Director International Cricket and BoGs members to step down.
