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Football - World Cup

FOOTBALL - World Cup 18 Dec, 2022

FIFA World Cup 2022: Croatia outplay Morocco 2-1 in third position play-off
Report: Abdul Jabbar Faisal ISLAMABAD: Croatia thrashed Morocco 2-1 in the 3rd position play-off of the FIFA World Cup 2022 at Khalifa International Football Stadium in Doha, Qatar on Saturday night. The losers of the semifinal, started the third-position contest heartlessly, as Morocco defenders a lot of errors at the start of the game. During the first three minutes, Croatia missed a couple of open chances to get the upper hand in the match but they missed these chances. However, Josko Gvardiol netted the ball with his head spectacularly, as he got flying passing from the left side and put his team 1-0 ahead. After going down 1-0, the Morocco footballers changed their tactic and made some joint efforts from both flanks left and right, as they succeeded to level the match 1-1 after two minutes. Achraf Dari scored the goal for Morocco. After 1-1, both teams showed some aggression and attached each other goalposts countless times. Morocco wasted two open chances in the 24th and 29th minute to earn the lead in the vital match of the Qatar Football World Cup 2022. Around three minutes before the break, Croatian forward Mislav Orsic score the second goal for his team in the 42nd minute, as he received the ball in the box on the left side he kicked the ball to the left side of the goal side that went into the goal after hitting the goalpost. Morocco tried their best to bounce back in the match and square the score 2-2 but Croatian defenders and goalkeeper were alerted to halt their attempts. After the first half, the score-line was 2-1 in the favour of Croatia. Meanwhile, in the second half, Croatian players kept possession of the ball and made combined moves to enhance the lead, as they missed a golden occasion in the 51st minute when M Livaja kicked the ball inches away from the target. Morocco presented a bit rough game in the middle of the second half and they attempted six fouls. Croatia also did some errors and played 9 fouls after completing the 70 minutes of the game. In the last moments, Morocco got an occasion to level the game in the injury time but failed to level the game. Hakimi was well marked by Croatian defenders and the second half ended goalless, as Croatia claimed the third position in the FIFA World Cup 2022. At the final whistle the score was Croatia 2 and Morocco 1 after 90 minutes of the game. Morocco (Play XIs): Bono (goalkeeper), Y A Allah, Achraf Dari, J Yamiq, A Hakimi, A Sabiri, S Amrabat, B El Khallouss, S Boufal, Y En Nesyri, H Ziyech, Croatia (Play XIs): D Livaaovic (goalkeeper), J Stanisic, J Sutalo, Josko Gvardiol, I Eerisic, L Modric, N Kovacic, L Majer, A Kramaric, Mislav Orsic, M Livaja  

FOOTBALL - World Cup 14 Dec, 2022

FIFA World Cup: Argentina score 3 goal against Croatia in semifinal
Sports Bulletin Report ISLAMABAD: Two times champions, Argentina scored 3 goals against in the first semifinal of the FIFA World Cup 2022 at half time at Lusail Football Stadium Doha, Qatar in the wee hours of Wednesday. Leonel Messi scored first goal on penalty kick while Julian Alvarez doubled the Argentina lead in the 39 minutes of the first part of the game. Messi scored third gaol in the 68 minute of the match.

FOOTBALL - World Cup 11 Dec, 2022

FIFA World Cup: France trounced England 2-1 in the last quarterfinal
Special Report ISLAMABAD: Defending champions France vanquished England 2-1 in the 4th quarterfinal of the FIFA World Cup 2022 to move to the semifinal at Al Bayt Football Stadium Qatar, as winners will meet Morocco in the second semifinal of the quadrennial soccer fixture of the world. French footballers were looking for a nice touch from the start of the game and kept the ball in control. They got a couple of chances during the first 10 minutes of the game and in the 11th minute, English goalkeeper J Pickford collected the ball neatly when an accurate shot was right on target. A left-side move also created a chance but unfortunately, French forward Dembele could not connect the ball into the net. Finally, Aurelien Tchouameni thrived to earn the lead for his team in the 17th minute, when he smashed the ball from out of the box and made the scoreboard 1-0. English lad got a free kick from the right side near the box but French goalkeeper H Lloris made that unsuccessful in the 21st minute of the first half. However, during the 25 to 30 minutes of play England were looking so aggressive and made back-to-back attempts to square the match. In the 25th minute, England captain S Kane took review for claiming a penalty kick but it was turned down after watching the reply, soon after this incident England forward Foden kicked the ball on target but the opponent’s goalkeeper was alert. England wasted another chance in the 30th minute when on a corner kick the forwards were unable to convert the ball into the net, as there were three English players in the box near the goal-line. France retained the lead 1-0 at half-time. Finishing the first half in a one-goal deficit, England players started the second half with pace and attacked twice in a row in the 47th minute and produced the corner too but French goalkeeper H Lloris defended both attempts bravely and did not allow opponents to guide the ball in the goal. Henderson made a move from the right flank that ended in smoke. In the 53rd minute, England made the match even at 1-1 on a penalty kick. Captain Harry Kane smashed the ball accurately into the net. Woeful English forward H Maguire could not head the ball into the net in the 70th minute, as his effort went in vain and the ball crossed the goal-line after touching the goalpost on the right side of the goalkeeper, as England wasted a golden opportunity to get the lead in the last quarterfinal of the FIFA World Cup 2022.   Olivier Giroud scored the second goal for defending champions in the 78th minute by heading the ball into the net after receiving the ball from the left side and reset the scoreboard to 2-1. Unluckily, English skipper Harry Kane kicked the penalty out in the 84th minute and could not level the score 2-2. The final score was 2-1 in the last quarterfinal of the Qatar Football World Cup. France will clash with Morocco in the second semifinal of the mage football fixture of the world on December 15, 2022, as the first semifinal will be played on December 14, 2022, between Argentina and Croatia.

FOOTBALL - World Cup 10 Dec, 2022

FIFA World Cup: Croatia beat Brazil 4-2 on penalty shoot in quarterfinal
Report: Abdul Jabbar Faisal ISLAMABAD: Croatia made another mark in the history of the FIFA World Cup after deleting 4-time champions Brazil from the Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 4-2 on penalty shoots in the first quarterfinal here at Education Football Stadium Doha Qatar on Friday night. The match was tied 1-1 after 120 minutes of the game. Winners kicked all four penalties accurately in the goal while Brazil could push the ball in the net twice. One was stopped by the goalkeeper Dominik Ltvakovic and one came back after hitting the left-side of the goalpost. In the first quarterfinal of a mega soccer fixture, both teams Brazil and Croatia started the game with a gentle pace and struggled to control the ball, as the opening 15 minutes of time, was wasted in the middle of the playground. In the 20th minute, the forwards missed a chance when from the right flank a cross passed in front of the goalpost. Later Brazil threw away an open occasion in the 23rd minute of the game. They also got 1st corner kick but that could not be fruitful for Brazil. The ball possession ratio was 51 and 49 in the favour of Yellow Shirts. Brazil attempted five shoots while Croatia 3 on the goalpost each other but no one could change the scoreboard, as the 45 minutes game ended without any score. The referee brought out the yellow card twice from his pocket and showed two players, each one from both sides. Croatia attempted 8 fouls while Brazil did 5 times in the first part of the match. Meanwhile, in the second half, Brazil changed its tactic and displayed the skill of soccer by showing some aggression and combined moves. They attached 16 times against Croatia in the quarterfinal encounter. They kept control of the ball the 51 percent of 90 minutes of the game. They wasted open net chances in the 47th minute and 66th minute. Croatia goalkeeper Dominik Ltvakovic performed excellently and saved certainly goal attempts in the whole match. Extra time was given to the first quarterfinal to make the decision of the first semifinal team of the FIFA World Cup 2022. After massive attacks, Brazil scored the goal after the first part of the extra time, as injury time was going on. Neymar netted the ball after his personal effort, which made the score 1-0. Bruno Petkovic leveled the game 1-1 in the 117th minute of the match, as he kick the ball accurately to the left side of the goalkeeper, as soon as he received the pass from left-out players. However, no one could change the scoreboard during the next three minutes of extra time. After 120 minutes, the quarterfinal was leveled 1-1. Brazil XIs: Alisson (Goalkeeper), Danilo, T Silva, Marquinhos, Casemiro, Lucas Paqueta, E Militao, Raphinha, Neymar, V Junior, Richarlison, Croatia XIs Dominik Ltvakovic (Goalkeeper), Boma Sosa, Josko Gvardiol, Dejan Lovren, Josip Juranovic, Luka Modric, Marcelo Brozovic, Mateo Kovacic, Ivan Perisic, Andreg Kramaric, Mario Pasalic Quarterfinals Line-up: 1st Quarterfinal: Croatia beat Brazil 1-1 (4-2 Penalty Shoots) 2nd Quarterfinal: Argentina vs Netherlands 3rd Quarterfinal: Morocco vs Portugal 4th Quarterfinal: France vs England  

FOOTBALL - World Cup 07 Dec, 2022

Portugal stun Switzerland 6-1 to advance into the quarterfinal
Goncalo Romes scores hat-trick, Portugal to meet Morocco in the third quarterfinal Report: Abdul Jabbar Faisal ISLAMABAD: Portugal outclassed Switzerland 6-1 in the last pre-quarterfinal of the ongoing FIFA World Cup 2022 at Lusail Football Stadium in Doha, Qatar in the wee hours of Wednesday. Also, the top-eight stage line-up is completed and four times champions Brazil will meet Croatia in the first quarterfinal of the prestigious quadrennial fixture of the soccer world. In the last pre-quarterfinal of the Qatar Football World Cup, both teams began the game with a bit slothful pace and tries to maintain control of the ball. During the first 15 minutes of the first half, spectators did not see any teamwork or joint effort to target the opponents’ goalpost. Players were shifting the ball with long passes and not eager to make any combined move from the left or right corner, as the ball remained in the middle during the first 15 minutes.   Portugal entered the pitch without world-famous soccer player Christina Ronaldo, Goncalo Romes jolted the challenger by scoring the first goal of the match from the left side to put his team in driving seat 1-0 in a knock-out stage of the top international sports fixture of the world. Later, they wasted a couple of occasions in the 21st and 22nd minutes of the match, as kicks were on target but could not prove fruitful. Pope, 39, doubled the lead after neatly netting the ball in the 33rd minute of the match on a right flank corner kick and rotated the scoreboard 2-0. Before the second goal, Shaqiri missed a chance to level the game 1-1 in the 30th minute. Sow also failed to head the ball properly in the goalpost, as he was in the box and in front of the goal line in the 38th minute of the first half. At the halfway stage of the match, Portugal were leading 2-0 in the last fixture of the top-16 team’s round. Meanwhile, in the second part of the encounter, Portugal showed their class and struck the third goal in the 51st minute of the match, this was again Goncalo Romes, who guided the ball in the right direction to make the score line 3-0. Raphael Guerreiro added the 4th goal in the 55th minute from a left-side move. He did not neglect the chance to score a goal after receiving a fine pass from his teammate. Raphael comfortably steered the ball into the net. Switzerland’s striker, Manuel Akanji reduced the deficit after scoring the goal in the 58th minute of the match, as Portugal’s players showed some leniency after scoring the 4th goal. Hero of the day, Goncalo Romes inked a new record after scoring three goals to make a median hat-trick in the Qatar World Cup 2022, as this was 5th goal of the winning team in the do-or-die encounter. Portugal’s coach sent Christina Ronaldo to the field 18 minutes before the final whistle. The substitute player Rafael Laeo scored the sixth goal in injury time to make the scoreboard 6-1. Portugal XIs: D Costa (Goalkeeper), R Gurreiro, R Dias, Pepe, D Dalot, B Silva, W Carvallho, Otavio, B Femandes, Goncalo Romes, J Fellix Switzerland XIs: Y Sommer (Goalkeeper), E Fermandes, F Schar, M Akanji, R Rodringuez, R Freuler, G Xhaka, X Shaqiri, D Sow, R Varges, B Embolo Quarterfinals Line-up: 1st Quarterfinal: Brazil vs Croatia 2nd Quarterfinal: Argentina vs Netherlands 3rd Quarterfinal: Morocco vs Portugal  4th Quarterfinal: France vs England 1st Semifinal on December 9, 2022 2nd Semifinal on December 10, 2022 3rd Position Play-off on December 17, 2022 Final on December 18, 2022

FOOTBALL - World Cup 07 Dec, 2022

Morocco beat Spain 3-0 on penalty shoots to reach the quarterfinal
Report: Abdul Jabbar Faisal ISLAMABAD: Morocco have confirmed their berth in the top-8 stage of FIFA World Cup 2022 after beating Spain 3-0 on penalty shoots in a nerve-jangling pre-quarterfinal at Education Stadium Doha Qatar on Tuesday night. Defending champions France, England, Croatia, Brazil, Netherlands, and Argentine have already reached the quarterfinals after winning their respective knock-out round contests. Both teams started the game with pace and went all out to get the lead in the do-or-die fixture. During the first 15 minutes, Spain kept possession of the ball while Morocco had only 26 percent possession, as no one team could attack the goalpost. Morocco also missed a free kick, as Spain spurned the ball bit away from the post in the 25th minute of the game, as they wasted a golden opportunity to change the scoreboard in their favor. After 30 minutes of the first half match was scoreless but both teams show aggression and attacked the opponents’ goalpost but failed to guide the ball into the goal. Mostly the time, the Spanish guys kept the ball in control but they attempted seven fouls in this effort. Morocco did three fouls, as Spain attacked twice in the 34th and 35th minutes of the crucial fixture. Morocco’s defenders did not allow Spanish players to get the lead. In the 42nd and 43rd minutes, Morocco muffed two occasions to net the ball. A fraction of the last, Spain again missed a golden chance to make the score 1-0 at halftime. Although, in the first half Spain controlled the ball maximum time and created three possibilities to kick the ball into the net, as players of both teams display an aggressive and fast game in the first 45 minutes. Goalkeepers of both sides made their best efforts to stop the rivals’ attempts and spectators applauded their performance in the first half, which ended 0-0. Spain’s Torres shoot accurately on target to score a goal in the 54th minute of the match, from the left flank a free kick was right on target, which was brilliantly protected by Morocco goalkeeper Bono. Spain’s coach made the first change of the match and replaced Gavi with M Asensio in the 62nd minute of the game. Spain wasted two more occasions to earn the lead in the 88th minute and during injury time, as both teams were aggressive in the injury time but no one could make the goal. After 90 minutes of regular time score was 0-0, as in the 4th minute Morocco’s goalkeeper blocked a free kick bravely and saved the blushes of his team. At the final whistle, the score was 0-0 on the scoreboard. Extra time of 30 minutes was given to make the decision of the match, as Morocco’s forward wasted a golden opportunity in the 104th minute of the match, as the Spanish goalkeeper stopped the ball with his right leg. Spain also targeted the opposite goalpost twice in the first part of extra time but that could be fruitful for Spain. Morocco forward player Youssef En-Nesyri was alone with the ball near the box but could not make it a historical finish. Spain squandered an open goal chance when merely 30 seconds were left for the final whistle. Match ended goalless after 120 minutes of the game, as both teams lost countless chances to score a goal After 120 minutes, five penalty shoots were given to each team to decide the quarterfinalist team of the FIFA World Cup 2022. Bono defended 2 penalty shoots back to back and the first kick was hit back from the goalpost, as Morocco reached the quarterfinal of the Qatar World Cup 2022. The final score was 3-0. Morocco XIs: Bono (Goalkeeper), Achref Hakimi, Nayef Aguerd, Romain Saiss, Noussair Mazraovi, Azzedine Ounahi, Sofyan Amrabat, Selim Ammallah, Hakim Ziyech, Youssef En-Nesyri, Sofiane Boufal Spain XIs U Simon (Goalkeeper), J Alba, A Laporte, Rodzi, Mllorante, Pedri, S Busquets, Gavi, D Olmo, M Asmsio, F Torrer Quarterfinals Line-up: 1st Quarterfinal: Brazil vs Croatia 2nd Quarterfinal: Argentina vs Netherlands 3rd Quarterfinal: Morocco vs Portugal / Switzerland  4th Quarterfinal: France vs England 1st Semifinal on December 9, 2022 2nd Semifinal on December 10, 2022 3rd Position Play-off on December 17, 2022 Final on December 18, 2022         

FOOTBALL - World Cup 22 Nov, 2022

Saudi Arabia overpower Argentine 2-1 in the Qatar FIFA World Cup
Sports Bulletin Report Doha, Qatar: Saudi Arabia stunned two times champions Argentine 2-1 in the first match of day three of FIFA World Cup 2022 here at Lusail Iconic Stadium Qatar on Tuesday. Argentine skipper Messi scored the first goal for his team in the 10th minute of the match on penalty kick, which was awarded after seeing the action reply on screen. After around 10 minutes Argentine netted the ball and the referee gave the goal, Saudi Arabia took the review against the decision and the referee turned his decision back. At the half time, Argentina were ahead with the score of 1-0. Salah Al Shehri equalized the score soon after the break in the 48th minute. Salem Al Dawsuri led his team in the 53rd minute of the match, as the best side of the soccer world went in deficit 1-2. Saudi Arabia maintained their lead till the end of 90 minutes.  