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Indian Squash officials vow to restore bilateral sports series with Pakistan
Abdul Jabbar FaisalISLAMABAD: The officials of the Indian contingent for the Asian Juniors’ Individual Squash Championship 2024, Dalip Kumar Tripathi (Manager), and Mekhala Subadar (Manager-cum-coach) vowed to restore bilateral sports series between India and Pakistan, as this step would be a nice omen for both countries to boost their sports.While talking with at Mushaf Squash Complex here Dalip Kumar Tripathi said: “I came first time to Pakistan along with squash players, and I am very happy here to meet with Pakistani people, who welcomed Indian players for this international squash fixture with the core of hearts. We are good, and Pakistani officials are caring for us and providing all the facilities in the capital city. However, we are not allowed to go outside the hotel.”Responding to a question, Dalip said that this event would be a great opportunity for Indian players to learn squash because Pakistan was the soil of world champions. “If there would be bilateral sports series in different sports including squash this step would be fruitful for the players of both national to enhance the skills of the game and improve the standard of respective games, as in the past bilateral series of hockey, and tennis were held between the Pakistan and India, “he added.Dalip divulged to this scribe that India got the basic squash system from Malaysia and started squash promotion at the grassroots level. “We hold 40 to 45 national tournaments in one year in different states, aiming to provide occasion to budding players. Players, who do well and learn the skills of squash later send them abroad for junior international tournaments. India squash is on the right track to reach on top at the international arena, “he replied to another question.“I wished to meet Jansher Khan, as he was a great legend of world squash but I could not found. I have met Jehangir Khan twice in other countries and I felt a great honor, and pride after meeting the former world champion and icon of squash. Our young players are encouraged if they meet Jensher Khan and Jehangir Khan but we could not manage, “he lamented while concluding his views. Females’ Manager-cum-Coach, Mekhala Subadar said: “I am satisfied with the player's performance in the ongoing 31st Asian Juniors’ Individual Squash Championship 2024, and this event will be helpful for the World Junior Squash Championship 2024, which will be played next month in Houston, United States of America (USA).”She further said that squash was growing day by day in India, as the school boys and girls both got equal opportunities to excel at the national level, as well as the international level. “We have a good system to enhance the standard of the game across the country and provide maximum facilities to players. We provide rackets and other squash equipment free of the cast to the players at lower level.While replying to a question, she said: “I am a former Indian squash player and won four national championship titles during my squash career. I visited Pakistan for the first time in 2004, the South Asian Games, which were taken place in the same city Islamabad. I found the people here very nice and loving and I have good wishes for them. Food is different but yummy and we enjoyed this trip. I am eager to go market and buy clothes and gifts for family and friends, “she said.“I like Pakistan dramas too. We got love from Pakistani common people and I will tell the people of India about the love of Pakistani people. We should provide occasions to common people for interaction each other and defame the image of both nations will be clear. Good relations between the common people will lead toward peace in the region and through sports we can do this easily, “she concluded.
Coaching plays vital role in squash: says Salman Hashmi
Sports Bulletin Report ISLAMABAD: Former Pakistan squash player Salman Hashmi has viewed off that coaching in the game of squash plays a vital role to develop the game skills of a player. While talking to this reporter over his mobile from abroad he added that he played squash for his country and he was willing to train the budding players as a coach to contribute in the game of squash at international level. Salman's coaching background: Salman has been coaching for 8 years as a professional mentor. When Salman moved to United Arabs Emirates (UAE), he first performed the duties of coach in a United Kingdom Elite Squash for several years. Currently, Salman is the head squash coach at the prestigious Aviation Club. He has worked with players from beginner to pro level, including many Emirates’ top juniors. Dubai's unique location allows him to train with many top professional players, often serving as their hitting partner. Salman as a player: Salman first picked up a racquet at the age of six. Throughout his junior career, he was a top-ranked Pakistan Junior. Salman was selected to Pakistan at the 2014 World Junior Championships. 1. When did you start to play squash? My uncles played squash, so it was a family sport. I was six when the first time I stepped on the court and did not look back. There was no looking back. I was hooked. 2. What do you like most about the sport? I love the challenge of pushing myself at many different levels. You face physical, mental, tactical, and technical difficulties every time. I like the feeling of discovering ways to improve continually, either as a player or coach. 3. How long have you been coaching? I have been a coach for the last seven years, but I feel I have been coaching all my life, even as a player. 4. Why do you start coaching? It is satisfying to help people achieve their full potential and, in many cases, pass what they had wished for. I like to be part of the journey, knowing I was instrumental in my students' growth and growing myself, with them. I enjoy my work. 5. Who’s been your most substantial influence when coaching?  My family has taught me that there is no substitute for hard work and discipline. Without that base, no coaching can help you. As for style, I think everyone has their style, and it is a "kitchrey" of all the people you cross in your journey. 6. Can you describe the highlights of the job? I am especially interested in growing squash; when I teach, I hope I plant a seed for my student to one day go into the world, not just enjoying squash but introducing squash to others. I especially love to teach "first-timers" and younger children. It's very satisfying. 7. Who do you most admire in the sport? There are too many people in the list. I consider how the players from the last generation played for passion and honor. Jahangir Khan will have to be at the top of the list, not just for his incredible playing achievements but his journey of overcoming challenging obstacles. 8. What would you say is your unique coaching style? I believe my strength is connecting with the player – and unlocking the potential they know they have – but cannot tap it. Of course, I am a technical coach – teaching fundamentals – but I think the best coaches know how to push their students to new heights. 9. How the discipline plays role in the life of a player? Discipline is everything. Without discipline, there is nothing important. Discipline on court, in fitness, in nutrition, in your everyday life – discipline everywhere. If you master discipline, you can master anything your opponent throws at you. 10. What are your best memories of coaching? My best memory is defenality coaching my brother Farhan Hashmi who reached the quarterfinals in the World Junior Championships held in Malaysia. In the same year, in 2019 Farhan also won the Asian Junior Championships. We spent countless hours throughout the months getting ready for these Championships. He performed well and exceeded all goals and expectations. 11. What will you give message to budding squash kids? It's a great sport to play. It will challenge you in many ways, but you will love it. But always remember to have fun. Enjoy what you do; always. This game will also take you internationally all over the world, which introduces you to new cultures and making new friends.