SB Report
KARACHI:-The City School DK Campus has won the General Trophy with (1150) points in the 3rd Students Olympic Games 2019. The City Pakistan Student Olympic Association organized the 3rd student Olympic Games 2019 from October 14 to 2019 at Hampton School Clifton Karachi. Basketball, Throw-ball, Futsal Table Tennis Cricket Rope Skipping Dodge-ball yoga and Gymnastic events were part of the games.
On this occasion Maqbool Arian president Pakistan student Olympic Association, Ivan Fedrick Rittman, secretary Pakistan student Olympic Association, Shahnawaz Alam president Karachi student Olympic Association, Nadeem Aslam secretary Karachi student Olympic Association, Imdad Hussain director yoga and gymnastic student Olympic Association, Darakhshan Ahsan member Pakistan student Olympic Association, Shakeel Ahmed coordinator Sports of city school DK campus, Abu Sufyan, Member, PSOA, Arshad Khgan, PSOA, Adnan Tareen, Member PSOA, Adnan Vohra, V. President PSOA, Jaffar Ali Shah, S.V. President PSOA and school team officials and coaches were also present.
Maqbool Arain, President PSOA announced the Pakistan Students teams would be participating in 6th Students Olympic International Games 2019 at Johor Bahru University Malaysia from 26th to 30th December 2019. Ali Bahawni, Vice Principal Hampton School and Peer Danish business men was the chief guest in closing ceremony. Both distributed Trophies, Medals, Certificates, Shields and gift hampers among the winners.
Result of General Trophy:
1st Position: The City School DK Campus, 1150 Points.
2nd Position: Shahwaylat Public School, 1000 Points
2nd Position: K-7 Gymnastics School , 1000 Points
4th Position: Head Start School System, 850 Points
Result of Throwball:
1st Position: Head Start School
2nd Position:The City School DK
3rd Position: Hampton School
Result of YOGA:
1st Position: K-7 Gymnastics School
2nd Position: FF Gymnastics School
Result of Gymnastics:
1st Position: K-7 Gymnastics School
2nd Position: LG Gymnastics School
3rd Position: FF Gymnastics School
Result of Futsal:
1st Position: Wahaj Hussain's School
2nd Position: The City School DK Campus
3rd Position: Head Start School System
Result of Cricket:
1st Position: American School
2nd Position: Haque Academy
3rd Position: The City School DK Campus
Result of Table Tennis:
1st Position: Shahwalyet Public School ( Girls & Boys)
2nd Position: The City School DK Campus (Girls & Boys)
3rd Position: Head Start School System (Girls & Boys)
Result of Dodgeball:
1st Position: Ali Johar School
2nd Position: OISSA School
3rd Position: Happy Home School
Result of Basketball:
1st Position: Shahwalyet School
2nd Position: Hampton School
3rd Position: British Oversea School