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FOOTBALL - National 28 May, 2023

Football News: PFF Elections Process commences from Chitral
Football News: PFF Elections Process commences from Chitral

Sports Bulletin Report

LAHORE:-The highly-anticipated elections process for the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) has started from Chitral and subsequently will be progressing to other districts throughout the country.

More than 30 clubs played their matches and were ably scrutinized. The elections aim to establish a new standard for transparency and representation within Pakistan's football community, abiding by constitutional requirements.

To ensure fair and impartial elections, the club scrutiny process has been linked with the District Championship. This approach aims to guarantee transparency by thoroughly examining the data of players and clubs through diligent scrutiny officers. The scrutiny officers, match commissioners and referees review the reports and documentation provided by various clubs and submit them to PFF.

A day earlier, the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) announced the Scrutiny Advisory Committee. This committee consists of members from the football community, selected to facilitate both the clubs and the PFF itself. Their primary responsibility will be to oversee and manage the scrutiny process of the football clubs. The committee will play a crucial role in providing guidance, advice and support throughout the scrutiny process. 
