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MARTIAL ARTS - Local News 26 May, 2022

Balochistan Mixed Martial Arts Association elects Mir Jehangir Lango its new chairman
Balochistan Mixed Martial Arts Association elects Mir Jehangir Lango its new chairman

Sports Bulletin Report

Quetta (Pakistan):- Balochistan Mixed Martial Arts Association (MMA) has elected Mir Jehangir Lango as its chairman for the next term in a meeting that held at Pakistan Sports Board Quetta.

According to Pakistan Sports Board, Sharafat Butt Vice Chairman, Agham Mohammad Mengal President, Agham Mohammad Noorzai Senior Vice President, General Secretary Rehmat Noorzai have been elected during the election process.

Elections of Balochistan Mixed Martial Arts Association were held under the supervision of Assistant Director Sports Board Mohammad Arsalan at PSB Gymnasium. Jahangir Lango Chairman, Sharafat Butt Vice Chairman, Agham Mohammad Mengal President, Agham Mohammad Noorzai Senior Vice President, Abdul Bari Vice President, Female Vice President Farah while Haji Rehmat Noorzai was elected for the post of General Secretary.

Expressing their views, Chairman Mir Jahangir Lango, President Agham Mohammad Mengal and General Secretary Rehmat Noorzai said that it was a great initiative to promote the Mixed Martial Arts sports across the province. All Pakistan and All Balochistan Mixed Martial Arts Tournament will be held in Quetta, the expected date of which will be announced in the next meeting.

Jahangir Longo further said that all the associations of Balochistan should come forward for the promotion of sports. “As the players are being affected due to the squabble between the associations and the sports department. Balochistan government should ensure that facilities will be provided to the players and provide them sports opportunities so that the players can continue their sport with more diligence, “he concluded.
