Sports Reporter
ISLAMABAD (November 5, 2021):-Pakistan Tennis Federation (PTF) has conducted two PTF Yellow Badge Officiating Courses, at Lahore and Islamabad, held from 28th to 30th October 2021 and 1st to 3rd November 2021 respectively.
These Officiating Courses were specially arranged for Lahore, Islamabad and Rawalpindi. A total of 14 Officials attended the course in Lahore and 16 Officials in Islamabad. The courses were conducted by Shahzad Akhtar Alvi, Head of Officiating and also ITF White Badge Umpire.
The participants were provided with all possible administrative facilities during the courses. Salim Saifullah Khan President -PTF also visited the course venue at PTF Complex, interacted with the officials, and emphasised the following.
These courses are specially organized to induct fresh blood into the officiating field.
Officiating is a very important part of tennis.
Due to the revival of International Tennis, our officiating staff requires tremendous improvement.
Tennis is played in 200 countries as compared to other sports, therefore you should work hard in the officiating field so that you can also be able to represent Pakistan at the International level.
He also congratulated the PTF Management for organizing the events in a befitting manner.