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MARTIAL ARTS - Taekwondo 30 Sep, 2021

October 28, 2021: World Judo Day “Solidarity”
October 28, 2021: World Judo Day “Solidarity”


Islamabad (September 30, 2021):-The great annual educational gathering of the judo family, based on judo values, is approaching on 28th October 2021, millions of judoka across the planet will meet physically and or digitally, to celebrate World Judo Day 2021. This year it is the theme of 'SOLIDARITY' which has been chosen and which will guide all the actions that will be carried out.

Despite the hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the judo family has never been so united to overcome these trials and has proven it in the most beautiful way possible during the recent Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. As if catastrophe weren't enough, the world has been faced with other destructive plagues; political crises which threw thousands of refugees on the roads and climatic crises which endangered the very nature of life, continued to swarm over our heads. Yet all is not gloomy and there are many reasons to hope and dream.

Celebrating solidarity between peoples at the very heart of our societies, beyond differences, is part of this hope that the judo community is keen to promote.

On 28th October 28 2021, we will celebrate the ability of the judo family to come together around its values and its ability to share them with as many people as possible. We invite you, at your level, whether at the individual level or that of your club or your federation, to think of solidarity by telling yourself that the hand you extend today may be the one you need tomorrow.

Often solidarity is limited within a group, between its members. Some would even like to reduce it to an inter-self that does not correspond to what judo teaches us. In judo, we are committed to acting together as far as our capacities for action allow. To speak and act in solidarity is to be open to others, it is to have a philosophical and humanist approach to society, it is to give in order to receive better and thus to maintain a virtuous circle beneficial for all.
