Sports Bulletin Report
ISLAMABAD:-The athletes from Alpine Club if Pakistan (ACP) along with students from National University of Science & Technology (NUST) attended a 2-day Workshop on sport climbing held at NUST Sports Complex. Islamabad.
According to an official of ACP, the introductory lectures were delivered and safe use of climbing gear was taught through demonstration. The videos and documentaries were also screened. The practical sessions were held at NUST climbing arena.
The purpose was to attract the youth towards this challenging sport and equip them with basic sport climbing skills and knowledge. The participants took great interest in the learning.
At the end of the workshop the participants were awarded certificated. Air Vice Marshal (R) Dr. Rizwan Riaz, Pro Rector RIC,Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Baig, Director Field Administration Air Comodor (R) Shahid Nadeem, Ali Hasnain Syed, Director Student Affairs, Col (R) Qaiser Mustafa, Fy. Fire Tor ( Sports) Brig R Ikram, AFPm, Aftabur Rehman Rana, MD, PTDC, Abu Zafr Sadiq, President Alpine Club of Pakistan and Saad Tariq Siddique VP, Adventure Foundation Pakistan were also present at this occasion.